Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sometimes I sit here and look at this blog and I can't write anything. The problem isn't having nothing to say, it is having too many jumbled thoughts that are difficult to sort through.

One thing I am absolutely convinced of is that the way to fight terrorism of any form is to lessen the amount of starvation and poverty around the world. We need to empower each other, all of us, everywhere. We either believe wholeheartedly that all people are created equal or we don't. We don't get to pick and choose. We can't be non-racist and still accept sexism. We can't exclude gays and claim to value equality. We can't love our children without feeling the anguish of the parents who feed their children mud pies because there isn't any real food.We can't denounce one religion's extremists while accepting the extremists in another. Hate is hate. Prejudice is prejudice. It is up to us as a collective to end it. We need to start with ourselves.

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