Friday, September 5, 2008

Well, everybody beat me to it , but here's mine.

The Republican party is the party of change and I can prove it.

Somewhere between Chelsea Clinton and Bristol Palin they changed their mind about picking on cantidates kids.

Somewhere between John McCain and Rudy Guliani's infedilites and those of Bill Clinton and John Edwards adultery became a bad thing . Then they changed it back to not a big deal for the election this year.

Somewhere between being tortured and torturing someone else John McCain changed his opinion of how horrible torture is.

Somewhere between claiming Janet Reno was Chelsea Clinton's father and Sarah Palin being asked to explain her corruption charges , sexism became a bad thing.

Somewhere between voting against Martin Luther King Jr. Day and....uh , never mind, they haven't changed their mind about racism.

Somewhere between calling teenage unwed mothers welfare queens and the governors daughter becoming pregnant they changed their opinion on "life happening" in families.

Somewhere between barack HUSSEIN!!!!! obama and the Palin family , they changed their minds about lies and rumors.

Somewhere being going to college on a GI bill and sending Iraq veterans to college on a GI bill , John McCain changed his mind on the importance of a college education for the men and women who serve our country with honor.

Somewhere between Hurrican Katrina and Hurricane Gustav they took off their republican hats , put on their American hats and decided that its not the fault of the poor if they are stranded or dead.

Somewhere between 9-11-01 and 9-11-08 they changed the definition of tribute from respectful rememberance to disgusting scare tactic used to garner votes.

Sometime after sending our soldiers to fight on foreign shores they decided that places like Walter Reed were sufficient and that our homeless veterans were no longer their responsibilty.

Sometime between Sarah Palin mocking community organizers in her speech and John McCain calling our citizens to action is his speech , they changed their minds about the importance of the average American.

Somewhere between Obama suggesting it and Bush doing it , they changed their minds on meeting with the leaders of hostile countries.

oh, they are the party of change all right.

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