Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Do what is right because it is the right thing to do.

Do what is right because it is the right thing to do.

I'm trying like hell to live my life by this. Sometimes its so easy to get caught up in the "whats in it for me" mindset that I forget it ISN'T always about me. I've noticed that I'm not the only one . I've had conversations with people I know are really good hearted people, and even they will say things like " Why should we (the USA) give aid to muslim/African/communist etc countries when "they" (other muslim/African/communist etc) countries won't? I guess my answer is that we should *because* others won't. We should be the first ones that offer aid to those who need it. Why ? Because it is the right thing to do, and we pride ourselves on being a country that can be counted on to do what is right.

How often do people pass a homeless person by and say "why should I help him/her? I work for a living, why can't they?" Answer that question in your mind.....why can't they? Maybe they have a mental illness. Maybe they served our country and came home with PTSD. Maybe they fell into a cycle of addiction and are unable to pull themselves out of it. Maybe they can't get a job because they don't have a way of cleaning themselves up for the interview or an address to put on the application. Maybe they had a job, but lost it when the employer went out of business. Perhaps they, for whatever reason, weren't equipped to deal with life. Maybe they can't read or write.

Maybe if *you* had been born into whatever circumstances *they* were born into, *you* would be the one depending on the kindness of a stranger . Have some empathy. Put yourself or a loved one into their shoes. Do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

If you think that your success is all due to your own hard work and perseverance maybe you ought to ask yourself why that entitles you to look down on everyone else. I hope you have a good answer ready because I believe God is going to ask you that same question.

Here are some smaller more personal ways I'm trying to do what is right.

My list :
1.give people the benefit of the doubt, a helping hand and a listening ear.
2.give compliments freely and criticisms only when they are constructive.
3.recognize that kindness isn't weakness , both in myself and others. at people, especially grouchy ones.
5.let go of competition and jealousy. My shortcomings aren't anyone elses fault and recognizing someone elses achievements instead of pointing out their flaws helps raise me up instead of just tearing them down.
6.get to know people instead of listening to the gossip about them and make my own decisions.
7.let people get to know me. let my insecurities go. I don't have to be perfect. an active participant in my future.
9. give, give and give.
10. Remember that "There but for the grace of God go I”. To me that means recognizing the good fortunes I have had and realizing not everyone has had them. We all have had people , events or situations that if removed would have caused our lives to go in very different directions. Ask yourself "what if" a lot, because someone else is living that life you could have had to live.

For example:
What if I had been born in Darfur?
What if I had to live as a woman in a muslim country?
What if I had been born with a mental illness, a physical disfigurement,no family support etc. ?

How would you have liked to be treated?
Do what is right because it is the right thing to do.

1 comment:

sound judgment said...

i do beleive that these are very good vertues to abide by.thats something to ponder and try to live the good life.people are people and sometimes we veiw the world a little differently than each other but the common good is in fact in all of actually smileing adds years to your keep smileing mentle