dont know i will find out. i got to beleive that she really dosnt support torture.but bein the sec of the state she has to tow the party line so that she dosent embarress the president. world poverty shes been to dafur and has called it genocide and she recently been before the united nation exspessing her and the administration and the american people concern for aids in africa and our pledge to stamp it out.the economy well shes wealthy so i guess she dosnt care about poor people comeing from a not so rich family and all that .and bein a product of affirmative action well she probly dosnt want minorities to have the same oppurtunities that she know its tuff being a african american republican woman.
I like the sign, but I'm not sure I like the fact that a child is holding it. I have a problem with parents who involve their childing with their views on politics. Kids that age are too young to understand the real weight of the beliefs and views they are repping for their parents. It just seems exploitative to me.
Where does she stand on torture? How will she run on economy? How does she feel about global poverty?
Yes, I would say the same thing about her if she doesn't believe in equality.
dont know i will find out. i got to beleive that she really dosnt support torture.but bein the sec of the state she has to tow the party line so that she dosent embarress the president. world poverty shes been to dafur and has called it genocide and she recently been before the united nation exspessing her and the administration and the american people concern for aids in africa and our pledge to stamp it out.the economy well shes wealthy so i guess she dosnt care about poor people comeing from a not so rich family and all that .and bein a product of affirmative action well she probly dosnt want minorities to have the same oppurtunities that she know its tuff being a african american republican woman.
I like the sign, but I'm not sure I like the fact that a child is holding it. I have a problem with parents who involve their childing with their views on politics. Kids that age are too young to understand the real weight of the beliefs and views they are repping for their parents. It just seems exploitative to me.
That should say "children," not "childing". I'm tired.
On one level I get what you are saying...but kids are inevitably going to be exposed / submerged in their parents beliefs.
Fer instance, kids aren't going to understand the complexities of religion.....but if thier parents are church goers the kids will go along too.
Besides, its never too early to teach equality to girls , but thats obviously just my opinion lol.
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