Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Did someone say ACORN??

Good to know John McCain would never associate with a far left group like ACORN. Oh wait, yes he did. Here he is as the keynote speaker at an ACORN event in 2006.


sound judgment said...

well at least he didnt give them damn near a million dollars like ya boy did.

mental cemetery said...

They are the ones who asked the police to investigate.

They are a good organization that helps people get their voices heard.

What was the million dollars for?

sound judgment said...

i know this acorn crap is nothing more than an distraction.but getting folks to register 73 times is a little overboard and some of my people yes there my people too was useing strong arm tactics to make banks gie loans and i know obama represented them along side the justice department in getting people to register to vote while applying for your car registration but obama should call them out for miss using his funds like that it puts another scar on his quest