However....we still have a long way to go before we can say "all men are created equal". In the same country that voted in Barack Obama 3 states voted to ban gay marriage . There is no legal reason for gays to not be allowed to be married. It is unconstitutional and discriminatory.
Amendment 9 - Construction of Constitution. Ratified 12/15/1791.
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Amendment 14 - Citizenship Rights. Ratified 7/9/1868. Note History
1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Nobody is saying anyone should be forced to approve of gay marriage , but not liking something has never been reason enough to make it illegal.
Also , it is time to get serious about solving global poverty. Pronto.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Yes We Did
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Doot doot doot !! This just in ........
I just got this email from my Women for Obama group :
Historic! 65 US Nobel Scientists "Open Letter to Americans" please support Obama! Send this letter to everyone!
> Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 3:29 AM
> 65 U.S. Nobel Laureates in Science send an open letter to
> the American
> people strongly urging support for Senator Obama.
> The letter marks the largest number of US Nobel Laureates -
> "the
> nation's greatest minds" - ever to endorse a
> political candidate.
> Note: these are all Scientists who are concerned about
> America's
> Economic decline.
> October 14, 2008
> An Open Letter to the American People,
> This year's presidential election is among the most
> significant in our
> nation's history. The country urgently needs a
> visionary leader who
> can ensure the future of our traditional strengths in
> science and
> technology and who can harness those strengths to address
> many of our
> greatest problems: energy, disease, climate change,
> security, and
> economic competitiveness.
> We are convinced that Senator Barack Obama is such a
> leader, and we
> urge you to join us in supporting him.
> During the administration of George W. Bush, vital parts of
> our
> country's scientific enterprise have been damaged by
> stagnant or
> declining federal support. The government's scientific
> advisory
> process has been distorted by political considerations. As
> a result,
> our once dominant
> position in the scientific world has been shaken and our
> prosperity
> has been placed at risk. We have lost time critical for the
> development of new ways to provide energy, treat disease,
> reverse
> climate change, strengthen our security, and improve our
> economy.
> We have watched Senator Obama's approach to these
> issues with
> admiration. We especially applaud his emphasis during the
> campaign on
> the power of science and technology to enhance our
> nation's
> competitiveness. In particular, we support the measures he
> plans to
> take - through new initiatives in education and training,
> expanded
> research funding, an unbiased process for obtaining
> scientific advice,
> and an appropriate balance of basic and applied research -
> to meet the
> nation's and the world's most urgent needs.
> Senator Obama understands that Presidential leadership and
> federal
> investments in science and technology are crucial elements
> in
> successful governance of the world's leading country.
> We hope you will
> join us as we work together to ensure his election in
> November.
> Signed,
> Alexei Arikosov Physics 2003
> Roger Guillemin Medicine 1977
> Peter Agre Chemistry 2003
> John L. Hall Physics 2005
> Sidney Altman Chemistry 1989
> Leland H. Hartwell Medicine 2001
> Philip W. Anderson Physics 1977
> Dudley Herschbach Chemistry 1986
> Richard Axel Medicine 2004
> Roald Hoffmann Chemistry 1981
> David Baltimore Medicine 1975
> H. Robert Horvitz Medicine 2002
> Baruj Benacerraf Medicine 1980
> Louis Ignarro Medicine 1998
> Paul Berg Chemistry 1980
> Eric R. Kandel Medicine 2000
> J. Michael Bishop Medicine 1989
> Walter Kohn Chemistry 1998
> N. Bloembergen Physics 1981
> Roger Kornberg Chemistry 2006
> Michael S. Brown Medicine 1985
> Leon M. Lederman Physics 1988
> Linda B. Buck Medicine 2004
> Craig C. Mello Medicine 2006
> Mario R. Capecchi Medicine 2007
> Yoichiro Nambu Physics 2008
> Martin Chalfie Chemistry 2008
> Marshall Nirenberg Medicine 1968
> Stanley Cohen Medicine 1986
> Douglas D. Osheroff Physics 1996
> Leon Cooper Physics 1972
> Stanley B. Prusiner Medicine 1997
> James W. Cronin Physics 1980
> Norman F. Ramsey Physics 1989
> Robert F. Curl Chemistry 1996
> Robert Richardson Physics 1996
> Johann Diesenhofer Chemistry 1988
> Burton Richter Physics 1976
> John B. Fenn Chemistry 2002
> Sherwood Rowland Chemistry 1995
> Edmond H. Fischer Medicine 1992
> Oliver Smithies Medicine 2007
> Val Fitch Physics 1980
> Richard R Schrock Chemistry 2005
> Jerome I. Friedman Physics 1990
> Joseph H. Taylor Jr. Physics 1993
> Murray Gell-Man Physics 1969
> E. Donnall Thomas Medicine 1990
> Riccardo Giacconi Physics 2002
> Charles H. Townes Physics 1964
> Walter Gilbert Chemistry 1980
> Roger Tsien Chemistry 2008
> Alfred G. Gilman Medicine 1994
> Daniel C.Tsui Physics 1998
> Donald A. Glaser Physics 1960
> Harold Varmus Medicine 1989
> Sheldon L. Glashow Physics 1979
> James D. Watson Medicine 1962
> Joseph Goldstein Medicine 1985
> Eric Wieschaus Medicine 1995
> Paul Greengard Medicine 2000
> Frank Wilczek Physics 2004
> David Gross Physics 2004
> Robert W. Wilson Physics 1978
> Robert H. Grubbs Chemistry 2005
> The views expressed in this letter represent those of the
> signers
> acting as individual citizens.
> They do not necessarily represent the views of the
> institutions with
> which they are affiliated. The
> Medicine award is for "Physiology or Medicine."
You tube and pdf of letter available here:
> ates_in.php?utm_source=sbhomepage
> > eates_in.php?utm_source=sbhomepage&utm_medium=link&utm_content=channel
> link> &utm_medium=link&utm_content=channellink
> se_Obama/UPI-87491224015215/
Historic! 65 US Nobel Scientists "Open Letter to Americans" please support Obama! Send this letter to everyone!
> Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 3:29 AM
> 65 U.S. Nobel Laureates in Science send an open letter to
> the American
> people strongly urging support for Senator Obama.
> The letter marks the largest number of US Nobel Laureates -
> "the
> nation's greatest minds" - ever to endorse a
> political candidate.
> Note: these are all Scientists who are concerned about
> America's
> Economic decline.
> October 14, 2008
> An Open Letter to the American People,
> This year's presidential election is among the most
> significant in our
> nation's history. The country urgently needs a
> visionary leader who
> can ensure the future of our traditional strengths in
> science and
> technology and who can harness those strengths to address
> many of our
> greatest problems: energy, disease, climate change,
> security, and
> economic competitiveness.
> We are convinced that Senator Barack Obama is such a
> leader, and we
> urge you to join us in supporting him.
> During the administration of George W. Bush, vital parts of
> our
> country's scientific enterprise have been damaged by
> stagnant or
> declining federal support. The government's scientific
> advisory
> process has been distorted by political considerations. As
> a result,
> our once dominant
> position in the scientific world has been shaken and our
> prosperity
> has been placed at risk. We have lost time critical for the
> development of new ways to provide energy, treat disease,
> reverse
> climate change, strengthen our security, and improve our
> economy.
> We have watched Senator Obama's approach to these
> issues with
> admiration. We especially applaud his emphasis during the
> campaign on
> the power of science and technology to enhance our
> nation's
> competitiveness. In particular, we support the measures he
> plans to
> take - through new initiatives in education and training,
> expanded
> research funding, an unbiased process for obtaining
> scientific advice,
> and an appropriate balance of basic and applied research -
> to meet the
> nation's and the world's most urgent needs.
> Senator Obama understands that Presidential leadership and
> federal
> investments in science and technology are crucial elements
> in
> successful governance of the world's leading country.
> We hope you will
> join us as we work together to ensure his election in
> November.
> Signed,
> Alexei Arikosov Physics 2003
> Roger Guillemin Medicine 1977
> Peter Agre Chemistry 2003
> John L. Hall Physics 2005
> Sidney Altman Chemistry 1989
> Leland H. Hartwell Medicine 2001
> Philip W. Anderson Physics 1977
> Dudley Herschbach Chemistry 1986
> Richard Axel Medicine 2004
> Roald Hoffmann Chemistry 1981
> David Baltimore Medicine 1975
> H. Robert Horvitz Medicine 2002
> Baruj Benacerraf Medicine 1980
> Louis Ignarro Medicine 1998
> Paul Berg Chemistry 1980
> Eric R. Kandel Medicine 2000
> J. Michael Bishop Medicine 1989
> Walter Kohn Chemistry 1998
> N. Bloembergen Physics 1981
> Roger Kornberg Chemistry 2006
> Michael S. Brown Medicine 1985
> Leon M. Lederman Physics 1988
> Linda B. Buck Medicine 2004
> Craig C. Mello Medicine 2006
> Mario R. Capecchi Medicine 2007
> Yoichiro Nambu Physics 2008
> Martin Chalfie Chemistry 2008
> Marshall Nirenberg Medicine 1968
> Stanley Cohen Medicine 1986
> Douglas D. Osheroff Physics 1996
> Leon Cooper Physics 1972
> Stanley B. Prusiner Medicine 1997
> James W. Cronin Physics 1980
> Norman F. Ramsey Physics 1989
> Robert F. Curl Chemistry 1996
> Robert Richardson Physics 1996
> Johann Diesenhofer Chemistry 1988
> Burton Richter Physics 1976
> John B. Fenn Chemistry 2002
> Sherwood Rowland Chemistry 1995
> Edmond H. Fischer Medicine 1992
> Oliver Smithies Medicine 2007
> Val Fitch Physics 1980
> Richard R Schrock Chemistry 2005
> Jerome I. Friedman Physics 1990
> Joseph H. Taylor Jr. Physics 1993
> Murray Gell-Man Physics 1969
> E. Donnall Thomas Medicine 1990
> Riccardo Giacconi Physics 2002
> Charles H. Townes Physics 1964
> Walter Gilbert Chemistry 1980
> Roger Tsien Chemistry 2008
> Alfred G. Gilman Medicine 1994
> Daniel C.Tsui Physics 1998
> Donald A. Glaser Physics 1960
> Harold Varmus Medicine 1989
> Sheldon L. Glashow Physics 1979
> James D. Watson Medicine 1962
> Joseph Goldstein Medicine 1985
> Eric Wieschaus Medicine 1995
> Paul Greengard Medicine 2000
> Frank Wilczek Physics 2004
> David Gross Physics 2004
> Robert W. Wilson Physics 1978
> Robert H. Grubbs Chemistry 2005
> The views expressed in this letter represent those of the
> signers
> acting as individual citizens.
> They do not necessarily represent the views of the
> institutions with
> which they are affiliated. The
> Medicine award is for "Physiology or Medicine."
You tube and pdf of letter available here:
> ates_in.php?utm_source=sbhomepage
> > eates_in.php?utm_source=sbhomepage&utm_medium=link&utm_content=channel
> link> &utm_medium=link&utm_content=channellink
> se_Obama/UPI-87491224015215/
Sarah Palin , shouldn't you be aware of these things?
I swear, its like Legally Blonde .....the campaign.
Did someone say ACORN??
Good to know John McCain would never associate with a far left group like ACORN. Oh wait, yes he did. Here he is as the keynote speaker at an ACORN event in 2006.
Todays racist call-out: Sacramento GOP

From the article:
"The chairman of the Sacramento County Republican party, Craig MacGlashan, told the Sacramento Bee on Tuesday, “Some people find it offensive, others do not. I cannot comment on how people interpret things.” Earlier this week, the chairman of the Virginia Republican Party, Jeffrey M. Frederick, also compared Obama to bin Laden."
Tax calculator from Obama's website.
Using this one, I saved $1800.00 with Obama and $120.00 with McCain.
Tax Plan website
Compares your estimated taxes under both Obama and McCain's plans. This one is from an independent website not affiliated with either cantidate.
It is fairly detailed as far as deductions etc go, and I save over $1000.00 under Obama's plan. How about you?
It is fairly detailed as far as deductions etc go, and I save over $1000.00 under Obama's plan. How about you?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Email I sent to Governor Crist.
Dear Governor Crist,
Although there is zero chance I will be voting for John McCain this year, I have voted Republican many times in the past. In fact, I voted for you. I feel that the Republican campaign has taken a nasty and possibly dangerous tone lately and it concerns me. In a state as diverse as ours , we should have zero tolerance for the types of hateful rhetoric displayed in the rallies here in the last weeks. When the sheriff of Lee county stands in full uniform and talks about Barack HUSSEIN Obama it sends a very wrong message to our citizens. We have men and women from right here in Florida fighting for our country that are of all difference ethnicities and religions. What do you think they hear from those rallies? Its shameful. As our Governor and the leader of the Republican party in Florida, please denounce these racial and anti- Islmamic sentiments.
I live in Charlotte county and work in Sarasota county and almost everybody I know has been hurt by the ecomony . People have lost jobs or had to take pay cuts and unemployment is our biggest fear. Please talk about the issues and solutions to our problems and encourage the rest of the Republican party to do the same.
Rebecca Tesauro
If I get a response I'll post it. I did receive an email acknowledging it. Damn! I just noticed a typo. Well, too late now.
Although there is zero chance I will be voting for John McCain this year, I have voted Republican many times in the past. In fact, I voted for you. I feel that the Republican campaign has taken a nasty and possibly dangerous tone lately and it concerns me. In a state as diverse as ours , we should have zero tolerance for the types of hateful rhetoric displayed in the rallies here in the last weeks. When the sheriff of Lee county stands in full uniform and talks about Barack HUSSEIN Obama it sends a very wrong message to our citizens. We have men and women from right here in Florida fighting for our country that are of all difference ethnicities and religions. What do you think they hear from those rallies? Its shameful. As our Governor and the leader of the Republican party in Florida, please denounce these racial and anti- Islmamic sentiments.
I live in Charlotte county and work in Sarasota county and almost everybody I know has been hurt by the ecomony . People have lost jobs or had to take pay cuts and unemployment is our biggest fear. Please talk about the issues and solutions to our problems and encourage the rest of the Republican party to do the same.
Rebecca Tesauro
If I get a response I'll post it. I did receive an email acknowledging it. Damn! I just noticed a typo. Well, too late now.
Monday, October 13, 2008
McCain 's speech today about the economy
Sen. Obama is measuring the drapes, and planning with Speaker (Nancy) Pelosi and Sen. (Harry) Reid to raise taxes, increase spending, take away your right to vote by secret ballot in labor elections, and concede defeat in Iraq," McCain said, targeting the prospect of one-party government with references to the Democratic leaders of the House and Senate.
McCain acknowledged Obama's lead in the polls. "The national media has written us off," McCain added. "But they forgot to let you decide."
"What America needs in this hour is a fighter," he said, adding that he knew Americans were worried about the direction of the country.
"I know what hopelessness feels like. It's an enemy who defeats your will. I felt those things once before. I will never let them in again," McCain said, a clear reference to his 5 1/2 years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. "I'm an American. And I choose to fight."
He renewed his pledge to freeze federal spending, renegotiate distressed mortgages to help middle class homeowners, and cut taxes. He also vowed to bring more experienced leadership to the White House, because "the next president won't have time to get used to the office."
McCain compared Obama to Herbert Hoover, the Republican who was president when the stock market crashed in 1929 triggering the Depression.
"The last president to raise taxes and restrict trade in a bad economy as Sen. Obama proposes was Herbert Hoover. That didn't turn out too well," McCain said. "They say those who don't learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. Well, my friends, I know my history lessons, and I sure won't make the mistakes Sen. Obama will."
In fact, Obama's tax plan calls for reductions for Americans making less than $200,000 a year.}end quote
No, I'm not cherry picking.....this is what he offers us. This is as specific as it gets.
Sen. Obama is measuring the drapes, and planning with Speaker (Nancy) Pelosi and Sen. (Harry) Reid to raise taxes, increase spending, take away your right to vote by secret ballot in labor elections, and concede defeat in Iraq," McCain said, targeting the prospect of one-party government with references to the Democratic leaders of the House and Senate.
McCain acknowledged Obama's lead in the polls. "The national media has written us off," McCain added. "But they forgot to let you decide."
"What America needs in this hour is a fighter," he said, adding that he knew Americans were worried about the direction of the country.
"I know what hopelessness feels like. It's an enemy who defeats your will. I felt those things once before. I will never let them in again," McCain said, a clear reference to his 5 1/2 years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. "I'm an American. And I choose to fight."
He renewed his pledge to freeze federal spending, renegotiate distressed mortgages to help middle class homeowners, and cut taxes. He also vowed to bring more experienced leadership to the White House, because "the next president won't have time to get used to the office."
McCain compared Obama to Herbert Hoover, the Republican who was president when the stock market crashed in 1929 triggering the Depression.
"The last president to raise taxes and restrict trade in a bad economy as Sen. Obama proposes was Herbert Hoover. That didn't turn out too well," McCain said. "They say those who don't learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. Well, my friends, I know my history lessons, and I sure won't make the mistakes Sen. Obama will."
In fact, Obama's tax plan calls for reductions for Americans making less than $200,000 a year.}end quote
No, I'm not cherry picking.....this is what he offers us. This is as specific as it gets.
Obama's ideas
Some ideas Obama talked about today.
Democratic Barack Obama on Monday called for more immediate steps to heal the nation's ailing economy, proposing a 90-day moratorium on home foreclosures at some banks and a two-year tax break for businesses that create new jobs.
The presidential candidate also proposed allowing people to withdraw up to $10,000 from their retirement accounts without any penalty for the remainder of the year and 2009.
I'm proposing a number of steps that we should take immediately to stabilize our financial system, provide relief to families and communities and help struggling homeowners," Obama said in prepared remarks. "It's a plan that begins with one word that's on everyone's mind, and it's spelled J-O-B-S."
Obama said that banks participating in the federal bailout should temporarily postpone foreclosures for families making good-faith efforts to pay their mortgage.
"We need to give people the breathing room they need to get back on their feet," he said, adding that families living beyond their means share some of the responsibility.
He also called for a $3,000 tax credit for each additional full-time job a business creates. That means a business that adds five jobs would get a $15,000 break. That would end after 2010 and would cost $40 billion, the campaign estimates.
Democratic Barack Obama on Monday called for more immediate steps to heal the nation's ailing economy, proposing a 90-day moratorium on home foreclosures at some banks and a two-year tax break for businesses that create new jobs.
The presidential candidate also proposed allowing people to withdraw up to $10,000 from their retirement accounts without any penalty for the remainder of the year and 2009.
I'm proposing a number of steps that we should take immediately to stabilize our financial system, provide relief to families and communities and help struggling homeowners," Obama said in prepared remarks. "It's a plan that begins with one word that's on everyone's mind, and it's spelled J-O-B-S."
Obama said that banks participating in the federal bailout should temporarily postpone foreclosures for families making good-faith efforts to pay their mortgage.
"We need to give people the breathing room they need to get back on their feet," he said, adding that families living beyond their means share some of the responsibility.
He also called for a $3,000 tax credit for each additional full-time job a business creates. That means a business that adds five jobs would get a $15,000 break. That would end after 2010 and would cost $40 billion, the campaign estimates.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I guess he doesn't want anyone to know what a racist piece of crap he is.
But wait.....theres more! Here he is before the rally......
Saturday, October 11, 2008
John Lewis says McCain "playing with fire"
Highlights from the article :
"What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history," Lewis said in a statement issued today. "Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse."
“As public figures with the power to influence and persuade, Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are playing with fire, and if they are not careful, that fire will consume us all," Lewis said today. "They are playing a very dangerous game that disregards the value of the political process and cheapens our entire democracy. We can do better. The American people deserve better.”
and John McCain's response?
McCain responded with disappointment, but also a challenge to Obama.
"I am saddened that John Lewis, a man I've always admired, would make such a brazen and baseless attack on my character and the character of the thousands of hardworking Americans who come to our events to cheer for the kind of reform that will put America on the right track," the GOP nominee said in a statement this afternoon.
He added: "I call on Senator Obama to immediately and personally repudiate these outrageous and divisive comments that are so clearly designed to shut down debate 24 days before the election. Our country must return to the important debate about the path forward for America.”
Ok, I'm convinced that John McCain must be high. There is no other explanation.
"What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history," Lewis said in a statement issued today. "Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse."
“As public figures with the power to influence and persuade, Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are playing with fire, and if they are not careful, that fire will consume us all," Lewis said today. "They are playing a very dangerous game that disregards the value of the political process and cheapens our entire democracy. We can do better. The American people deserve better.”
and John McCain's response?
McCain responded with disappointment, but also a challenge to Obama.
"I am saddened that John Lewis, a man I've always admired, would make such a brazen and baseless attack on my character and the character of the thousands of hardworking Americans who come to our events to cheer for the kind of reform that will put America on the right track," the GOP nominee said in a statement this afternoon.
He added: "I call on Senator Obama to immediately and personally repudiate these outrageous and divisive comments that are so clearly designed to shut down debate 24 days before the election. Our country must return to the important debate about the path forward for America.”
Ok, I'm convinced that John McCain must be high. There is no other explanation.
This is getting old.

(CNN) — Some are calling it a Freudian slip. Everyone’s calling it a big mistake.
Hundreds of absentee ballots sent to voters in New York State’s Rensselaer County, near Albany, were printed with Barack Obama’s last name spelled as “Osama," the Albany Times Union reports.
County elections officials tell the newspaper that it was a typo that made it by three rounds of proof-readers. They also said the error affected just a few hundred voters, and that they will re-send corrected ballots on request. "
I heard on the news that a ballot checked for Barack Osama would be counted for Obama, but a ballot with his name corrected by the voter would be disquilified.
Wrong on so many levels.
Couple of things here:
1. Obama is neither Arab or Muslim.
2.Being an Arab or Muslim is not a bad thing.
I'd like to congratulate Sean Hannity, Sara Palin and Rush Limbaugh (and others) for terrifying a 75 year old woman just to advance their agenda. Really guys, you've outdone yourselves. You've helped to transform the Republican party into a sexist, racist , xenophobic , homophobic organization. You've taken all of he most vile aspects of our country,wrapped them in an American flag and hand delivered them to both the lunatics and uninformed alike. You've used Christianity as a weapon . And you've done it not because you sincerely believe what you are saying , but to maintain your positions of power.
I almost feel sorry for John McCain. This isn't who he is , but this is who he has to pander to to "rally the base" . Sad, isn't it?
1. Obama is neither Arab or Muslim.
2.Being an Arab or Muslim is not a bad thing.
I'd like to congratulate Sean Hannity, Sara Palin and Rush Limbaugh (and others) for terrifying a 75 year old woman just to advance their agenda. Really guys, you've outdone yourselves. You've helped to transform the Republican party into a sexist, racist , xenophobic , homophobic organization. You've taken all of he most vile aspects of our country,wrapped them in an American flag and hand delivered them to both the lunatics and uninformed alike. You've used Christianity as a weapon . And you've done it not because you sincerely believe what you are saying , but to maintain your positions of power.
I almost feel sorry for John McCain. This isn't who he is , but this is who he has to pander to to "rally the base" . Sad, isn't it?
Patraeus Talk Bolsters Obama
Patraeus , thats not a very American sounding name. Somebody better call Sarah Palin quick! Maybe she can smear his name this week.*
*obviously I'm joking here.
*obviously I'm joking here.
Lets not forget :
With the elections and financial crisis its easy to forget that their are people all over the world who are really , really suffering . This is an organization that I trust, but it is only one of many out there. You can also help out locally by something as simple as donating a couple of cans of food to the food bank , or by giving blood .
For me, the best stress relief is to do something to help someone else.
For me, the best stress relief is to do something to help someone else.
First " Make it Right " homes complete.
Maybe Brad Pitt should be in charge of FEMA . I'm just sayin'.
Cindy McCain left something out.
From the article:
“The day that Sen. Obama cast a vote to not to fund my son when he was serving sent a cold chill through my body let me tell you,” Cindy McCain said in introducing the GOP ticket. “I would suggest Sen. Obama change shoes with me for just one day. I suggest he take a day and go watch our men and women deploying.”
What she doesn't say is that her husband has also voted against funding for our troops.
McCAIN Voted Against Troop Safety Equipment:
· McCain voted against the Bayh amendment which would have provided more than $360 million for the procurement of up-armored Humvees. Senator Obama voted "Yes." The amendment failed. (October 5, 2005: Vote 248: S.Amdt.1933 to H.R. 2683)
· McCain voted against the Dodd amendment, which would have provided more than $320 million for personnel protection equipment for U.S. forces in Iraq. The equipment would have been paid for by reducing US funding for Iraqi reconstruction. (October 2, 2003: Vote 376: S.Amdt.1817 to S.1689)
· McCain voted against the Landrieu amendment, which would have provided more than $1 billion for procurement for force protection and adequate equipment for National Guard and Reserve forces. The amendment failed. (April 2, 2003: Vote 116: S. Amdt. 452 to S.762)
Here are the links to his ratings from Veterans Groups:
Barack Obama info:
and tons more info:
“The day that Sen. Obama cast a vote to not to fund my son when he was serving sent a cold chill through my body let me tell you,” Cindy McCain said in introducing the GOP ticket. “I would suggest Sen. Obama change shoes with me for just one day. I suggest he take a day and go watch our men and women deploying.”
What she doesn't say is that her husband has also voted against funding for our troops.
McCAIN Voted Against Troop Safety Equipment:
· McCain voted against the Bayh amendment which would have provided more than $360 million for the procurement of up-armored Humvees. Senator Obama voted "Yes." The amendment failed. (October 5, 2005: Vote 248: S.Amdt.1933 to H.R. 2683)
· McCain voted against the Dodd amendment, which would have provided more than $320 million for personnel protection equipment for U.S. forces in Iraq. The equipment would have been paid for by reducing US funding for Iraqi reconstruction. (October 2, 2003: Vote 376: S.Amdt.1817 to S.1689)
· McCain voted against the Landrieu amendment, which would have provided more than $1 billion for procurement for force protection and adequate equipment for National Guard and Reserve forces. The amendment failed. (April 2, 2003: Vote 116: S. Amdt. 452 to S.762)
Here are the links to his ratings from Veterans Groups:
Barack Obama info:
and tons more info:
List of our fallen soldiers.
Read their names , look at their faces. These men and women have given their lives for our country.
Remember them when you hear someone say Barack HUSSEIN Obama in an attempt to make it sound like he isn't really American enough, because they aren't just talking about him. They are talking about millions of us who don't look like they do or have names that sound like theirs. Millions of us that don't share their ethnicity or religion.
Think about the millions of us who love our country. Especially those who have died for it.
Remember them when you hear someone say Barack HUSSEIN Obama in an attempt to make it sound like he isn't really American enough, because they aren't just talking about him. They are talking about millions of us who don't look like they do or have names that sound like theirs. Millions of us that don't share their ethnicity or religion.
Think about the millions of us who love our country. Especially those who have died for it.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Put your money where your mouth is.
Ohs Noes!!!! Not our money!!!111!!!!1111111!111! Teh ebil libruls want us to pay for things !!!1!1111111!!!!
Those silly Republicans :-)
Those silly Republicans :-)
Friday, September 19, 2008
Poor misunderstood Rush Limbaugh. Why does everyone pick on him?
Yeah, I have nothing to add to this. Limbaugh sucks.
Palinology part 3
My favorite:
If you perpetuate the unfair myth that women must and can be perfect mothers and care for their families (with nothing but a shotgun and a roll of ducktape, no doubt), while also working full time outside the home, not a requirement for men, who delegate those duties to their spouses and their domestic staff, you're a "feminist". But if you simply want fairness and equality, you're a socialist maggot.
By the way, Keith Olberman had promised to send $100 to charity every time he caught Sarah Palin in a lie. Tonight he wrote a check to the Special Olympics for $3700.00.
If you perpetuate the unfair myth that women must and can be perfect mothers and care for their families (with nothing but a shotgun and a roll of ducktape, no doubt), while also working full time outside the home, not a requirement for men, who delegate those duties to their spouses and their domestic staff, you're a "feminist". But if you simply want fairness and equality, you're a socialist maggot.
By the way, Keith Olberman had promised to send $100 to charity every time he caught Sarah Palin in a lie. Tonight he wrote a check to the Special Olympics for $3700.00.
Obama waffles.
From the article :
"The socially conservative public policy groups American Values and Focus on the Family Action co-sponsored the summit."
How better to focus on your family or display American values than to openly display racism at a political forum? They did pull the boxes after being asked about them.
"The socially conservative public policy groups American Values and Focus on the Family Action co-sponsored the summit."
How better to focus on your family or display American values than to openly display racism at a political forum? They did pull the boxes after being asked about them.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Very interesting !
Just a quick disclaimer....I have not verified any of the facts in this movie yet , but it does raise some interesting questions.
Part 1 of 8 , the rest can be found on the website.
Part 1 of 8 , the rest can be found on the website.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Community organizers aren't a joke
I guess when I was out helping people register to vote , or volunteering to help the local football team or putting together packages to send our troops it didn't matter because I didn't have actual ( read: money making) responsibilities.
I guess the mentors, Big Brothers, Red Cross volunteer , soup kitchen volunteers, churches and homeless shelter workers are all elitists. Or maybe just the person who coordinates their efforts.
Way to ask me to hire you for a job , Republicans.
I guess the mentors, Big Brothers, Red Cross volunteer , soup kitchen volunteers, churches and homeless shelter workers are all elitists. Or maybe just the person who coordinates their efforts.
Way to ask me to hire you for a job , Republicans.
I think I've finally figured it out.
Since the announcement of Sarah Palin I've been trying to figure out why the same country that still doesn't "know" Barack Obama is willing to accept Palin in less than a week. As the week has gone on , I've seen VPILF buttons, recieved an email that called her a smoking hot librarian , had a male co-worker tell me he'd nail her , heard Rush Limbaugh call her a hot babe with a gun etc. etc. On the flipside of the coin, her 5 children are being offered as credentials. She is a hockey mom ! And she has 5 kids! She cooks her own food !She could be "the girl next door" to both the perverts and the regular folks depending on which version of girl next door they are using.
Then it hit me. I am witnessing the "other" sexism in our country. The one that says pretty girls get to go first , always. If Sarah Palin looked like Rosie O'Donnell, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Sarah Palin has been called the "every" woman. She is smart ( and she is, I am not denying that) she is pretty, she is feminine , she is a mother , she didn't let herself go after five kids and still has a nice figure. She seems to dote on her husband and obviously her kids. She is outdoorsy.
None of those are bad things , but they are not automatic qualifiers for the Vice Presidential office , either.
Compare the words used to describe other accomplished women who don't fit that mold just perfectly. Condi Rice (unmarried , no kids) is an "ice queen" . Janet Reno (not married no kids and not feminine) was called manly and ugly. Hillary "pantsuit" Clinton was called a ball busting bitch, shrill, aggressive, icy and a feminazi. Rush Limbaugh asked us if we really wanted to watch her get older and fatter if she were elected President. When Bill Clinto had an affair , it was ::wink wink nudge nudge:: "Can you blame him? Look at her" . If Todd Palin has an affair, I have a feeling it would be " OMG, what was he thinking? Look at her !!"
All three of those women have been accused of being lesbians . Why? Why is Sarah "barracuda " Palin considered warm and friendly ? Is it the cute nose wrinkle she makes after every catty comment? Is it the cheerleader hair? Maybe its Mabelline? Why can't we leave looks out of it ? Please understand, I am not blaming Palin for this. Her intelligence and achievements aren't getting the credit they deserve either. She should be allowes to run on her own merits and not just seen as the pretty mother of 5.
Equality for women means we don't get stuck at the back of the line or get to go straight to the front because of our gender.
Then it hit me. I am witnessing the "other" sexism in our country. The one that says pretty girls get to go first , always. If Sarah Palin looked like Rosie O'Donnell, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Sarah Palin has been called the "every" woman. She is smart ( and she is, I am not denying that) she is pretty, she is feminine , she is a mother , she didn't let herself go after five kids and still has a nice figure. She seems to dote on her husband and obviously her kids. She is outdoorsy.
None of those are bad things , but they are not automatic qualifiers for the Vice Presidential office , either.
Compare the words used to describe other accomplished women who don't fit that mold just perfectly. Condi Rice (unmarried , no kids) is an "ice queen" . Janet Reno (not married no kids and not feminine) was called manly and ugly. Hillary "pantsuit" Clinton was called a ball busting bitch, shrill, aggressive, icy and a feminazi. Rush Limbaugh asked us if we really wanted to watch her get older and fatter if she were elected President. When Bill Clinto had an affair , it was ::wink wink nudge nudge:: "Can you blame him? Look at her" . If Todd Palin has an affair, I have a feeling it would be " OMG, what was he thinking? Look at her !!"
All three of those women have been accused of being lesbians . Why? Why is Sarah "barracuda " Palin considered warm and friendly ? Is it the cute nose wrinkle she makes after every catty comment? Is it the cheerleader hair? Maybe its Mabelline? Why can't we leave looks out of it ? Please understand, I am not blaming Palin for this. Her intelligence and achievements aren't getting the credit they deserve either. She should be allowes to run on her own merits and not just seen as the pretty mother of 5.
Equality for women means we don't get stuck at the back of the line or get to go straight to the front because of our gender.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Well, everybody beat me to it , but here's mine.
The Republican party is the party of change and I can prove it.
Somewhere between Chelsea Clinton and Bristol Palin they changed their mind about picking on cantidates kids.
Somewhere between John McCain and Rudy Guliani's infedilites and those of Bill Clinton and John Edwards adultery became a bad thing . Then they changed it back to not a big deal for the election this year.
Somewhere between being tortured and torturing someone else John McCain changed his opinion of how horrible torture is.
Somewhere between claiming Janet Reno was Chelsea Clinton's father and Sarah Palin being asked to explain her corruption charges , sexism became a bad thing.
Somewhere between voting against Martin Luther King Jr. Day and....uh , never mind, they haven't changed their mind about racism.
Somewhere between calling teenage unwed mothers welfare queens and the governors daughter becoming pregnant they changed their opinion on "life happening" in families.
Somewhere between barack HUSSEIN!!!!! obama and the Palin family , they changed their minds about lies and rumors.
Somewhere being going to college on a GI bill and sending Iraq veterans to college on a GI bill , John McCain changed his mind on the importance of a college education for the men and women who serve our country with honor.
Somewhere between Hurrican Katrina and Hurricane Gustav they took off their republican hats , put on their American hats and decided that its not the fault of the poor if they are stranded or dead.
Somewhere between 9-11-01 and 9-11-08 they changed the definition of tribute from respectful rememberance to disgusting scare tactic used to garner votes.
Sometime after sending our soldiers to fight on foreign shores they decided that places like Walter Reed were sufficient and that our homeless veterans were no longer their responsibilty.
Sometime between Sarah Palin mocking community organizers in her speech and John McCain calling our citizens to action is his speech , they changed their minds about the importance of the average American.
Somewhere between Obama suggesting it and Bush doing it , they changed their minds on meeting with the leaders of hostile countries.
oh, they are the party of change all right.
Somewhere between Chelsea Clinton and Bristol Palin they changed their mind about picking on cantidates kids.
Somewhere between John McCain and Rudy Guliani's infedilites and those of Bill Clinton and John Edwards adultery became a bad thing . Then they changed it back to not a big deal for the election this year.
Somewhere between being tortured and torturing someone else John McCain changed his opinion of how horrible torture is.
Somewhere between claiming Janet Reno was Chelsea Clinton's father and Sarah Palin being asked to explain her corruption charges , sexism became a bad thing.
Somewhere between voting against Martin Luther King Jr. Day and....uh , never mind, they haven't changed their mind about racism.
Somewhere between calling teenage unwed mothers welfare queens and the governors daughter becoming pregnant they changed their opinion on "life happening" in families.
Somewhere between barack HUSSEIN!!!!! obama and the Palin family , they changed their minds about lies and rumors.
Somewhere being going to college on a GI bill and sending Iraq veterans to college on a GI bill , John McCain changed his mind on the importance of a college education for the men and women who serve our country with honor.
Somewhere between Hurrican Katrina and Hurricane Gustav they took off their republican hats , put on their American hats and decided that its not the fault of the poor if they are stranded or dead.
Somewhere between 9-11-01 and 9-11-08 they changed the definition of tribute from respectful rememberance to disgusting scare tactic used to garner votes.
Sometime after sending our soldiers to fight on foreign shores they decided that places like Walter Reed were sufficient and that our homeless veterans were no longer their responsibilty.
Sometime between Sarah Palin mocking community organizers in her speech and John McCain calling our citizens to action is his speech , they changed their minds about the importance of the average American.
Somewhere between Obama suggesting it and Bush doing it , they changed their minds on meeting with the leaders of hostile countries.
oh, they are the party of change all right.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I'm waiting for the outrage ,Republicans
The uppity and "that boy " comments may or may not have been used in a racial manner.....but McCain / Palin are all kinds of pissed off over vicious lies (and I agree the rumors about her baby being her daughter's were completely uncalled for) so I am sure they will condemn this smear:
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said that Obama’s middle name – Hussein – is relevant to the public discourse surrounding his candidacy, saying in March that if Obama were elected, “Then the radical Islamists, the al Qaeda, the radical Islamists and their supporters, will be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on Sept. 11 because they will declare victory in this War on Terror.”
I'd like my outrage in writing and front page on every news paper , please.
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said that Obama’s middle name – Hussein – is relevant to the public discourse surrounding his candidacy, saying in March that if Obama were elected, “Then the radical Islamists, the al Qaeda, the radical Islamists and their supporters, will be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on Sept. 11 because they will declare victory in this War on Terror.”
I'd like my outrage in writing and front page on every news paper , please.
Friday, August 29, 2008
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
So lets meet Sarah Palin , shall we?
Her bio:
12/06/2006: Took office of Alaska's Governor:
‘Official’ Palin bio, from Alaska’s state site
1996 -2002: two terms as the mayor/manager of Wasilla
Profile: Sarah Palin
1992 - 1995 Palin served two terms on the Wasilla City Council
Sarah Palin
Wasilla population: 5,469 according to 2000 U.S. Census
Wasilla city, Alaska
(Found using Search function from site)
1987: She received a bachelor of science degree in communications-journalism from the University of Idaho in 1987
Prior to taking office, Palin served on numerous boards and commissions throughout the state. She was active in her family's pursuits including serving as a sports team mom and school volunteer.
She believes in teaching creationism is school and belongs to Feminists For Life....a group that doesn't believe in abortion under any circumstances . That would include rape,incest, birth defects and risk of death to the mother. In fact, when asked if what she would do if her daughter was raped and became pregnant , she replied "I would choose life".
She admits that she hasn't thought too much about Iraq and doesn't believe in global warming.
This is the person John McCain feels comfortable putting one heartbeat away from being the President of The United States.
Its almost funny. However, this is the woman he has offered as a substitute for Hillary Clinton. Can he be serious? The only way Palin and Clinton could be more different is if one of them were a man. He must think all women are interchangeable. And that isn't funny at all.
Her bio:
12/06/2006: Took office of Alaska's Governor:
‘Official’ Palin bio, from Alaska’s state site
1996 -2002: two terms as the mayor/manager of Wasilla
Profile: Sarah Palin
1992 - 1995 Palin served two terms on the Wasilla City Council
Sarah Palin
Wasilla population: 5,469 according to 2000 U.S. Census
Wasilla city, Alaska
(Found using Search function from site)
1987: She received a bachelor of science degree in communications-journalism from the University of Idaho in 1987
Prior to taking office, Palin served on numerous boards and commissions throughout the state. She was active in her family's pursuits including serving as a sports team mom and school volunteer.
She believes in teaching creationism is school and belongs to Feminists For Life....a group that doesn't believe in abortion under any circumstances . That would include rape,incest, birth defects and risk of death to the mother. In fact, when asked if what she would do if her daughter was raped and became pregnant , she replied "I would choose life".
She admits that she hasn't thought too much about Iraq and doesn't believe in global warming.
This is the person John McCain feels comfortable putting one heartbeat away from being the President of The United States.
Its almost funny. However, this is the woman he has offered as a substitute for Hillary Clinton. Can he be serious? The only way Palin and Clinton could be more different is if one of them were a man. He must think all women are interchangeable. And that isn't funny at all.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Woman dies on hospital floor. Doctors and security walk by.
Awful, just awful.
Lets see if this generates as much outrage as Janet Jacksons nipple or the ending of the Sopranos.
Lets see if this generates as much outrage as Janet Jacksons nipple or the ending of the Sopranos.
Monday, June 30, 2008
I know this is an old song, and it isn't Christmas ......
This song came out when I was a kid. We've had 4 different presidents since then. We've paid for 2 wars in Iraq, one in Afghanistan . We've landed on Mars, in fact we have a very expensive unmanned vehicle there right now.
we let children starve.
I am so ashamed.
War isn't romantic.
This isn't about politics. This is about doing right by our soldiers. This is about lost husbands, sons, fathers, daughters, wives and mothers. This is about being honest with ourselves about how much we are willing to ask of them and what we are willing to give them in return.Whether we are "for" the war or "against" the war we must never forget the sacrifices they have made for us.
The very least should be our unwavering support and admiration.
These pictures are heartbreaking .
The very least should be our unwavering support and admiration.
These pictures are heartbreaking .
Oh yeah, we are at war here too.
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Militants killed more U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan in June than in Iraq for the second straight month, a grim milestone capping a run of headline-grabbing insurgent attacks that analysts say underscore the Taliban's growing strength.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
$500 million tax encourage people to hate us.
An Arab-language television network and radio station, founded by the Bush administration to promote a positive image of the United States, has aired anti-American and anti-Israeli viewpoints, has showcased pro-Iranian policies and recently gave air time to a militant who called for the death of American soldiers in Iraq.
So far, U.S. taxpayers have spent nearly $500 million to fund those broadcasts. The television station, called Alhurra, and the radio network, Sawa, were meant to provide an American perspective on world events and counter the wave of global criticism that had been building against the Bush administration since the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
End Quote.
This is almost funny , if it wasn't true:
"Alhurra’s reporters and commentators operate with little oversight. Alhurra’s president, Brian Conniff, does not speak Arabic and is unable to understand anything broadcast on the radio and television networks he is paid to manage. Conniff has no journalism experience and worked previously as a government auditor. His news director, Daniel Nassif, grew up in Lebanon and has no background in television. Before coming to the network, he helped promote the political aspirations in Washington of a Lebanese Christian former general. "
You wouldn't want to hire someone who, I don't know.....speaks Arabic or anything.
$500 million.
An Arab-language television network and radio station, founded by the Bush administration to promote a positive image of the United States, has aired anti-American and anti-Israeli viewpoints, has showcased pro-Iranian policies and recently gave air time to a militant who called for the death of American soldiers in Iraq.
So far, U.S. taxpayers have spent nearly $500 million to fund those broadcasts. The television station, called Alhurra, and the radio network, Sawa, were meant to provide an American perspective on world events and counter the wave of global criticism that had been building against the Bush administration since the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
End Quote.
This is almost funny , if it wasn't true:
"Alhurra’s reporters and commentators operate with little oversight. Alhurra’s president, Brian Conniff, does not speak Arabic and is unable to understand anything broadcast on the radio and television networks he is paid to manage. Conniff has no journalism experience and worked previously as a government auditor. His news director, Daniel Nassif, grew up in Lebanon and has no background in television. Before coming to the network, he helped promote the political aspirations in Washington of a Lebanese Christian former general. "
You wouldn't want to hire someone who, I don't know.....speaks Arabic or anything.
$500 million.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Some facts.
My good friend Sound Judgment says:
obama tax plan would make us the forth highest tax nation in the world only behind sweden demark germany and france check your facts .
So I thought it would be fun to list some other facts. Lets see where we stand on some other issues.
obama tax plan would make us the forth highest tax nation in the world only behind sweden demark germany and france check your facts .
So I thought it would be fun to list some other facts. Lets see where we stand on some other issues.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Army official ousted for refusing to approve 1 billion in quesitonable Iraq funds
Amazing how there is never any money for anything , isn't it? How many people could a billion dollars feed? How many schools could be built? Levees strengthened? How much health insurance does a billion dollars buy? Armor for troops? Help for their spouses? Screening for PTSD? How many refugee camps could have clean water and medicine?How many people in Iowa could use a little help? How much could be rebuilt in New Orleans? How many after school programs funded? Homeless shelters built?
Nah, lets give it all to KBR.
Nah, lets give it all to KBR.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I am so OVER this crap .
Monday, June 16, 2008
Awwwww moment for today.
He cancelled (but kept the money)
Just lie back and enjoy it. John McCain was supposed to go to a fundraiser at a man's house, a man who compared rape to the weather, saying, "As long as it's inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it."
He associates with a man who jokes about rape. He accepted $300,000 from the fundraiser held by this man. Now, the money did not come from Clayton "Claytie" Williams but how different do you think the donors are?
Anybody else think he wouldn't have cancelled if nobody had called him out on it?
He associates with a man who jokes about rape. He accepted $300,000 from the fundraiser held by this man. Now, the money did not come from Clayton "Claytie" Williams but how different do you think the donors are?
Anybody else think he wouldn't have cancelled if nobody had called him out on it?
We don't like it, so you can't have it.
So,what if a happily married woman is taking some sort of medication that lists "possible birth defects" as a side effect. She should either
A) not have sex with her husband
B) risk getting pregnant anyway
What if a happily married husband gets AIDS or hepatitis C from a blood transfusion. He should either
A) not have sex with his wife
B) pass it along to her and possibly a baby.
Interesting. More interesting is that they have no problem with Viagra or Cialis.
A) not have sex with her husband
B) risk getting pregnant anyway
What if a happily married husband gets AIDS or hepatitis C from a blood transfusion. He should either
A) not have sex with his wife
B) pass it along to her and possibly a baby.
Interesting. More interesting is that they have no problem with Viagra or Cialis.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Fathers Day!
To my husband Tom,my father in law Paul, all of my brothers-in-law Pete,Paulie and Al, my nephew in law Sean ,my Uncle John(thats a lot of in side of the family needs to start reproducing !!) and my friends who are fathers. You guys rock!
To my dad ,Ed, I miss you. You would be amazed by your grand kids, totally.
To my dad ,Ed, I miss you. You would be amazed by your grand kids, totally.
They need our help
Although I always feel horrible (and donate to relief efforts) when a natural disaster strikes, both in the US and in other countries, this one hits really close to home for me . I grew up in Nebraska (GO BIG RED!!) and my brother lives in Iowa. I have family in Indiana. They are all ok for now, but many others haven't been so fortunate.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
McCain=anti choice
Yes, this is about abortion again. Sorry. Actually, it isn't so much about abortion...I'm not pro-abortion. In my perfect world they would be completely unnecessary , and I'm sure most pro-choice people feel the same way. This is completely about giving women options and the right to have a say over their own bodies. If we want to really end abortions, lets start with adequate sex education , followed by a healthy amount of self-esteem for girls. Lets make sure women understand that they have every right to say "no" , lets help our men understand that a woman is not just a toy for them to play with. Lets get our insurance companies to cover not only viagra but birth control. Lets give our kids the best education we possibly can so they can compete for and get good jobs , which will help end those abortions caused by financial strain.Lets make sure there is adequate affordable childcare. Lets tell our men that fathers *are* important , that they need to play an active role in both the pregnancy and the child rearing. Lets realize that for some women, whether for health reasons or the fact that do not want a child (no,women are not automatically predisposed to wanting babies), being pregnant just is not an option and sometimes birth control fails, and stop letting doctors decide if its ok that a woman wants to have their tubes tied. Do you think they deny men vasectomies because "they may hear that biological clock ticking someday?".
Ladies, we need to stop thinking of ourselves as second class citizens. We count. We aren't just here to enrich the lives of men. One of the most effective tools we have is our vote. When we vote, we are actively being participants in the decisions that affect us.Think about that for a moment. You wouldn't let someone else make you wear clothes you don't like or order your dinner at a restaurant without your input. You wouldn't want someone else to name your children or decide where you should work, would you? Yet, women don't make the connection between not voting = someone else making the decisions that impact your life the most. You may feel like your vote won't matter....if it matters to YOU, it matters enough. If it empowers you on any level, it matters. Whether you choose to marry and have kids, marry with no kids, not marry at all, divorce an abusive husband, work outside the home or work at making your house a home , your decisions should be the ones that work for you. And so should your vote.
I'm truly not trying to turn this into a political blog (really!!!!) but this is something I feel so passionate about. John McCain is not a friend of women. If that doesn't matter to you, vote for him (see, I want you to vote, even if I disagree with your choice) but I want to know who you are voting for.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Barack Obama
This is the official website for Barack Obama. Here you can learn his positions, his record and read/watch his speeches.
I am thrilled with this news ! Equality and justice for all .
Its kind of funny, its the year 2008 and sometimes I think about how advanced we are. Think of all of our technological break thoughs, our space exploration, our medical triumphs. Its pretty amazing that less than 100 years ago we didn't have any of this stuff.
Then I remember how (by comparison) how slow our progress has been towards equality. We are still debating whether or not we are all equal. Its considered "historic" to have our first really viable black cantidate running for the highest office in our country, its "barrier breaking" to have had our first really viable woman competing for that same office. Our congress is still arguing whether or not to make it illegal to pay a woman less than a man for equal work. We are still trying to decide if gay citizens are really *people* who deserve the same rights and protections as the rest of us. We still are unwilling to stop starvation . We are complacent about laws that are designed to punish a specific segment of our population .
We have a long, long way to go.
I'm hoping this LGBT Caucus can help to end some of the mis-information and discrimination that is out there.
There should only be laws against hate, not love.
We aren't equal until we're all equal.
Its kind of funny, its the year 2008 and sometimes I think about how advanced we are. Think of all of our technological break thoughs, our space exploration, our medical triumphs. Its pretty amazing that less than 100 years ago we didn't have any of this stuff.
Then I remember how (by comparison) how slow our progress has been towards equality. We are still debating whether or not we are all equal. Its considered "historic" to have our first really viable black cantidate running for the highest office in our country, its "barrier breaking" to have had our first really viable woman competing for that same office. Our congress is still arguing whether or not to make it illegal to pay a woman less than a man for equal work. We are still trying to decide if gay citizens are really *people* who deserve the same rights and protections as the rest of us. We still are unwilling to stop starvation . We are complacent about laws that are designed to punish a specific segment of our population .
We have a long, long way to go.
I'm hoping this LGBT Caucus can help to end some of the mis-information and discrimination that is out there.
There should only be laws against hate, not love.
We aren't equal until we're all equal.
Friday, June 6, 2008
A great example of why I have a hard time taking some "pro-life" people seriously
This reaffirms my assumption that most (not all) people who claim to be pro-life really aren't. What they are is "anti abortion". "Life" generally means the entire time you are alive , not just the 9 months before you are born. What do I mean, you ask? Well I'd be happy to explain.
In my experience ,most pro-life people usually make exceptions for :
Mexicans, especially the illegal ones. Who cares if they are trying to improve their lives ?
Anything having to do with guns, because we all know guns don't take any innocent lives. I own one , by the way and believe it is every Americans choice to do so.
Gay people. Their lives are immoral and therefore don't count.(unlike the lives of adulterers who have simply sinned and should be forgiven)
The death penalty . Those people have committed a crime and forfeited their right to life. Even the wrongfully convicted ones. ( I don't have a problem with the death penalty when guilt is provable waaaaaaay beyond the shadow of a doubt. Fry that Enron guy.)
People who aren't Americans...because we all know our tax dollars should only be used to directly benefit us. Hey, we didn't force those Africans to have sex, did we? Of course, we don't want them to have abortions or use birth control either, and never mind that they are under educated and that the women have no say over whether or not they want to have sex .Heathens.
The other excuse, I mean reason,I hear from the pro-life crowd usually involves God's will. "If God wills you to have a child, you should have that child." Hmm, ok.This could be fun:
If God wills you to be in a car accident, you shouldn't accept medical help.
If God wills someone to break into your home and kill you , you should let them. Get rid of the alarm system and the gun. Shoot the dog.
If God wills a terrorist attack, who are we to stop it. Say goodbye to the military,Homeland Security, all security at air ports etc.
Cancer? you say, yeah....God's Will.
Lost your job? God is willing you to be broke and possibly homeless. Go with it.
In my experience ,most pro-life people usually make exceptions for :
Mexicans, especially the illegal ones. Who cares if they are trying to improve their lives ?
Anything having to do with guns, because we all know guns don't take any innocent lives. I own one , by the way and believe it is every Americans choice to do so.
Gay people. Their lives are immoral and therefore don't count.(unlike the lives of adulterers who have simply sinned and should be forgiven)
The death penalty . Those people have committed a crime and forfeited their right to life. Even the wrongfully convicted ones. ( I don't have a problem with the death penalty when guilt is provable waaaaaaay beyond the shadow of a doubt. Fry that Enron guy.)
People who aren't Americans...because we all know our tax dollars should only be used to directly benefit us. Hey, we didn't force those Africans to have sex, did we? Of course, we don't want them to have abortions or use birth control either, and never mind that they are under educated and that the women have no say over whether or not they want to have sex .Heathens.
The other excuse, I mean reason,I hear from the pro-life crowd usually involves God's will. "If God wills you to have a child, you should have that child." Hmm, ok.This could be fun:
If God wills you to be in a car accident, you shouldn't accept medical help.
If God wills someone to break into your home and kill you , you should let them. Get rid of the alarm system and the gun. Shoot the dog.
If God wills a terrorist attack, who are we to stop it. Say goodbye to the military,Homeland Security, all security at air ports etc.
Cancer? you say, yeah....God's Will.
Lost your job? God is willing you to be broke and possibly homeless. Go with it.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Liar , liar, pants on fire
Did he lie? Forget? Is he planning on "borrowing" his position from Obama? I guess we'll never know
Change We off of your website
Soldier discusses his first kill (warning, some graphic images)and "drop weapons"
I'd like to make it VERY clear, I support our troops 100%. These brave men and women excel at every task given to them. I am proud of them and grateful for their service to our country. Videos like this are a reminder that we send these man and women to hell and back for our country. The man in the video has to live with his actions for the rest of his life. We need to make sure our soldiers get the help they need when they come home. Please write or call your Senator and let them know how important this issue is to us.
These numbers are from Senator Harry Reid's office:
The Cost to Our Forces in Iraq
3,990: American troops who have died in Iraq since the start of the war. [, 3/17/08]
29,395: Number of U.S. service members that have been wounded in hostile action since the start of U.S. military operations in Iraq. [AP, 3/11/08]
60,000: Number of troops that have been subjected to controversial stop-loss measures--meaning those who have completed service commitments but are forbidden to leave the military until their units return from war. [US News and World Report, 2/25/08]
5: Number of times the 3rd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment has been sent to Iraq. They are the first Marine Corps unit to be sent to Iraq for a fifth time. [San Francisco Chronicle, 2/27/08]
2,100: Number of troops who tried to commit suicide or injure themselves increased from 350 in 2002 to 2,100 last year. [US News and World Report, 2/25/08]
11.9: Percent of noncommissioned Army officers who reported mental health problems during their first Iraq tour [Los Angeles Times, 3/7/08]
27.2: Percent of noncommissioned Army officers who reported mental health problems during their third or fourth Iraq tour [Los Angeles Times, 3/7/08]
Please go to and learn how you can show your support.
Do what is right because it is the right thing to do.
Do what is right because it is the right thing to do.
I'm trying like hell to live my life by this. Sometimes its so easy to get caught up in the "whats in it for me" mindset that I forget it ISN'T always about me. I've noticed that I'm not the only one . I've had conversations with people I know are really good hearted people, and even they will say things like " Why should we (the USA) give aid to muslim/African/communist etc countries when "they" (other muslim/African/communist etc) countries won't? I guess my answer is that we should *because* others won't. We should be the first ones that offer aid to those who need it. Why ? Because it is the right thing to do, and we pride ourselves on being a country that can be counted on to do what is right.
How often do people pass a homeless person by and say "why should I help him/her? I work for a living, why can't they?" Answer that question in your mind.....why can't they? Maybe they have a mental illness. Maybe they served our country and came home with PTSD. Maybe they fell into a cycle of addiction and are unable to pull themselves out of it. Maybe they can't get a job because they don't have a way of cleaning themselves up for the interview or an address to put on the application. Maybe they had a job, but lost it when the employer went out of business. Perhaps they, for whatever reason, weren't equipped to deal with life. Maybe they can't read or write.
Maybe if *you* had been born into whatever circumstances *they* were born into, *you* would be the one depending on the kindness of a stranger . Have some empathy. Put yourself or a loved one into their shoes. Do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.
If you think that your success is all due to your own hard work and perseverance maybe you ought to ask yourself why that entitles you to look down on everyone else. I hope you have a good answer ready because I believe God is going to ask you that same question.
Here are some smaller more personal ways I'm trying to do what is right.
My list :
1.give people the benefit of the doubt, a helping hand and a listening ear.
2.give compliments freely and criticisms only when they are constructive.
3.recognize that kindness isn't weakness , both in myself and others. at people, especially grouchy ones.
5.let go of competition and jealousy. My shortcomings aren't anyone elses fault and recognizing someone elses achievements instead of pointing out their flaws helps raise me up instead of just tearing them down.
6.get to know people instead of listening to the gossip about them and make my own decisions.
7.let people get to know me. let my insecurities go. I don't have to be perfect. an active participant in my future.
9. give, give and give.
10. Remember that "There but for the grace of God go I”. To me that means recognizing the good fortunes I have had and realizing not everyone has had them. We all have had people , events or situations that if removed would have caused our lives to go in very different directions. Ask yourself "what if" a lot, because someone else is living that life you could have had to live.
For example:
What if I had been born in Darfur?
What if I had to live as a woman in a muslim country?
What if I had been born with a mental illness, a physical disfigurement,no family support etc. ?
How would you have liked to be treated?
Do what is right because it is the right thing to do.
I'm trying like hell to live my life by this. Sometimes its so easy to get caught up in the "whats in it for me" mindset that I forget it ISN'T always about me. I've noticed that I'm not the only one . I've had conversations with people I know are really good hearted people, and even they will say things like " Why should we (the USA) give aid to muslim/African/communist etc countries when "they" (other muslim/African/communist etc) countries won't? I guess my answer is that we should *because* others won't. We should be the first ones that offer aid to those who need it. Why ? Because it is the right thing to do, and we pride ourselves on being a country that can be counted on to do what is right.
How often do people pass a homeless person by and say "why should I help him/her? I work for a living, why can't they?" Answer that question in your mind.....why can't they? Maybe they have a mental illness. Maybe they served our country and came home with PTSD. Maybe they fell into a cycle of addiction and are unable to pull themselves out of it. Maybe they can't get a job because they don't have a way of cleaning themselves up for the interview or an address to put on the application. Maybe they had a job, but lost it when the employer went out of business. Perhaps they, for whatever reason, weren't equipped to deal with life. Maybe they can't read or write.
Maybe if *you* had been born into whatever circumstances *they* were born into, *you* would be the one depending on the kindness of a stranger . Have some empathy. Put yourself or a loved one into their shoes. Do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.
If you think that your success is all due to your own hard work and perseverance maybe you ought to ask yourself why that entitles you to look down on everyone else. I hope you have a good answer ready because I believe God is going to ask you that same question.
Here are some smaller more personal ways I'm trying to do what is right.
My list :
1.give people the benefit of the doubt, a helping hand and a listening ear.
2.give compliments freely and criticisms only when they are constructive.
3.recognize that kindness isn't weakness , both in myself and others. at people, especially grouchy ones.
5.let go of competition and jealousy. My shortcomings aren't anyone elses fault and recognizing someone elses achievements instead of pointing out their flaws helps raise me up instead of just tearing them down.
6.get to know people instead of listening to the gossip about them and make my own decisions.
7.let people get to know me. let my insecurities go. I don't have to be perfect. an active participant in my future.
9. give, give and give.
10. Remember that "There but for the grace of God go I”. To me that means recognizing the good fortunes I have had and realizing not everyone has had them. We all have had people , events or situations that if removed would have caused our lives to go in very different directions. Ask yourself "what if" a lot, because someone else is living that life you could have had to live.
For example:
What if I had been born in Darfur?
What if I had to live as a woman in a muslim country?
What if I had been born with a mental illness, a physical disfigurement,no family support etc. ?
How would you have liked to be treated?
Do what is right because it is the right thing to do.

I have always loved this image . Her determination inspires me. This isn't some mamby pamby woman waiting for Prince Charming to come along and rescue her , no this is what sheer feminist willpower looks like. She isn't your honey or your sweetie. She doesn't care if you think she is pretty. It pisses her off when she thinks about men deciding whether she is smart or capable enough to vote. It pisses her off even more to think about some guy debating whether or not she deserves equal pay for equal work. She doesn't give a damn about what you think she ought to do with her body. She might be a career woman or a stay at home mom, but her choices are made by her . She is tough enough to fight for our country , both on the battlefield and on the homefront (often with a baby on her hip) . She symbolizes the quiet strength women have to do whatever it takes to protect what they love. This woman doesn't accept that she is somehow less of a person because of her gender. She doesn't buy into the "boys will be boys" excuse or the image of the long suffering woman. She has the ability to love a man without losing herself in him , and the self esteem not to love a man if it isn't truly what she feels in her heart .
Rock on Rosie, I'll be right beside you.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I'm going to ramble here if you don't mind.
First of all, I'd like to congratulate Senator Obama for his victory. I truly believe he is the best candidate in the presidential race this time, and I am proud to have annoyed all of my friends and family with my support of him.
I'd also like to congratulate Senator Clinton. While politically she isn't my first choice, I have an enormous amount of respect and admiration for her. Way to shake up the boys club Hillary !!
Some things have been on my mind a lot lately. Both of my children are within 5 years of becoming adults. I am so apprehensive about the world they are going to be going off into. I hate the fact that there is really two different realities out there. One (and I won't lie, the one I hope they can be part of) is a world of opportunity. In that world, there are jobs , affordable places to live, people being decent to one another and equality. The other one (which I hope I've raised them to try and change) has desperation, hate and hopelessness. I didn't want them to have to be faced with so many horrors. I hoped that I would be sending them out into a world without so much selfishness and greed. I don't want them to be infected with the "me and only me" attitude that seems to permeate our society. I guess I can only hope that I've done a good job as a parent . Sigh.
I'd also like to congratulate Senator Clinton. While politically she isn't my first choice, I have an enormous amount of respect and admiration for her. Way to shake up the boys club Hillary !!
Some things have been on my mind a lot lately. Both of my children are within 5 years of becoming adults. I am so apprehensive about the world they are going to be going off into. I hate the fact that there is really two different realities out there. One (and I won't lie, the one I hope they can be part of) is a world of opportunity. In that world, there are jobs , affordable places to live, people being decent to one another and equality. The other one (which I hope I've raised them to try and change) has desperation, hate and hopelessness. I didn't want them to have to be faced with so many horrors. I hoped that I would be sending them out into a world without so much selfishness and greed. I don't want them to be infected with the "me and only me" attitude that seems to permeate our society. I guess I can only hope that I've done a good job as a parent . Sigh.
Quote for today :
All of us have to recognize that we owe our children more than we have been giving them.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
How much food do we waste ?
Children are dying. People are starving. It isn't anything new , we've been talking about it since I was a kid. Isn't it time to really do something about it?
Sarasota County has lost its collective mind.
From the Sarasota Herald Tribune article :
SARASOTA — This is the most costly place in Florida to blast your stereo, with a new law that gives police the authority to impound cars if they can hear the tunes from 25 feet away.First-time offenders face a $74 fine for violating the city's noise ordinance, and a $125 towing fee to get their vehicles out of the impound yard.
End quote
Does anyone want to place a bet on how many Stepford wives who blast some Michael Bolton while driving their new Jaguars to the yacht club are going to get theirs cars impounded?
I'm going on the record with this number : none.
This bullshit law targets the young and the poor , pure and simple. How can this even be legal? I cannot begin to put into word how disgusting this is to me. Basically it boils down to the fact that a small but influential segment of the population has decided that if someone is "too loud" they deserve to have their freaking car impounded. I'm sorry, I thought this was America. I thought we believed in things like freedom and liberty and I don't know....the pursuit of happiness. I didn't realized that we have become such crybabies that if someone makes noise as they drive by our house they deserve to lose their freaking car, the car the use to get to work and support their family. They car they paid for. Are we going to start foreclosing on peoples homes if the don't mow the lawn? Since when do we make things that are merely irritating illegal?
This is nothing but legalized carjacking.
Another Quote :
Commissioner Fredd Atkins voted against the law, saying it would lead to discrimination against black residents in his north Sarasota district.
This year, police have issued 16 of 22 noise citations given citywide in the north Sarasota district that Atkins represents.
"I am trying to figure out why are we trying to impound their cars and put more financial strain on these people during the worst economic times," Atkins said. "It is excessive and punitive to the group of people already living under the strong arm of the law."
end quote
See, he gets it, unlike this tool:
"We live in a residential neighborhood, and it's all the teenagers with their stereos turned loud," said Robert Levine, who lives near the intersection of Bahia Vista Street and McIntosh Road. "But it's the bass that is the problem. Turned all the way up: boom, boom, boom.Levine said the bumping stereos have kept him awake at night, and that the city's existing noise ordinance is not enough of a deterrent."
end quote
Seriously? What about planes that fly overhead? Motorcycles? Diesel trucks? Ambulances? Fire trucks? Kids playing outside? Birds? Frogs? (the damn frogs by me keep me up all summer) What does Robert Levine do when there is a thunderstorm ?
Once the ploice have your car, can they search it? Will they use this as excuse to pull people over who "look suspicious"? You can bet your ass they will.
This same county just announced that they will no longer hire smokers. In fact, now people have to have a drug test for nicotine when they apply. Since we are slashing the budgets of everything this added expense makes perfect sense to me. I know smokers are horrible, shifty, lazy people who probably also drive with the car radios too loud, but I would like to point out that smoking is still legal . Are employees not allowed to have a personal life anymore? How about drinkers and people with unhealthy diets? Is Sar. county going to start enforcing excercise regimens? Maybe only hire 6 foot tall blue eyed blondes? Hmmm, hasn't that been tried already?
When we are through spreading freedom and democracy everywhere else, can we have a little here?
SARASOTA — This is the most costly place in Florida to blast your stereo, with a new law that gives police the authority to impound cars if they can hear the tunes from 25 feet away.First-time offenders face a $74 fine for violating the city's noise ordinance, and a $125 towing fee to get their vehicles out of the impound yard.
End quote
Does anyone want to place a bet on how many Stepford wives who blast some Michael Bolton while driving their new Jaguars to the yacht club are going to get theirs cars impounded?
I'm going on the record with this number : none.
This bullshit law targets the young and the poor , pure and simple. How can this even be legal? I cannot begin to put into word how disgusting this is to me. Basically it boils down to the fact that a small but influential segment of the population has decided that if someone is "too loud" they deserve to have their freaking car impounded. I'm sorry, I thought this was America. I thought we believed in things like freedom and liberty and I don't know....the pursuit of happiness. I didn't realized that we have become such crybabies that if someone makes noise as they drive by our house they deserve to lose their freaking car, the car the use to get to work and support their family. They car they paid for. Are we going to start foreclosing on peoples homes if the don't mow the lawn? Since when do we make things that are merely irritating illegal?
This is nothing but legalized carjacking.
Another Quote :
Commissioner Fredd Atkins voted against the law, saying it would lead to discrimination against black residents in his north Sarasota district.
This year, police have issued 16 of 22 noise citations given citywide in the north Sarasota district that Atkins represents.
"I am trying to figure out why are we trying to impound their cars and put more financial strain on these people during the worst economic times," Atkins said. "It is excessive and punitive to the group of people already living under the strong arm of the law."
end quote
See, he gets it, unlike this tool:
"We live in a residential neighborhood, and it's all the teenagers with their stereos turned loud," said Robert Levine, who lives near the intersection of Bahia Vista Street and McIntosh Road. "But it's the bass that is the problem. Turned all the way up: boom, boom, boom.Levine said the bumping stereos have kept him awake at night, and that the city's existing noise ordinance is not enough of a deterrent."
end quote
Seriously? What about planes that fly overhead? Motorcycles? Diesel trucks? Ambulances? Fire trucks? Kids playing outside? Birds? Frogs? (the damn frogs by me keep me up all summer) What does Robert Levine do when there is a thunderstorm ?
Once the ploice have your car, can they search it? Will they use this as excuse to pull people over who "look suspicious"? You can bet your ass they will.
This same county just announced that they will no longer hire smokers. In fact, now people have to have a drug test for nicotine when they apply. Since we are slashing the budgets of everything this added expense makes perfect sense to me. I know smokers are horrible, shifty, lazy people who probably also drive with the car radios too loud, but I would like to point out that smoking is still legal . Are employees not allowed to have a personal life anymore? How about drinkers and people with unhealthy diets? Is Sar. county going to start enforcing excercise regimens? Maybe only hire 6 foot tall blue eyed blondes? Hmmm, hasn't that been tried already?
When we are through spreading freedom and democracy everywhere else, can we have a little here?
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Quotes for today :
Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their strengths.
~Lois Wyse
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. ~Susan B. Anthony
There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women. ~Madeleine K. Albright
If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves? ~Mary Astell
Feminism is the radical notion that women are people. ~Cheris Kramarae and Paula Treichler
~Lois Wyse
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. ~Susan B. Anthony
There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women. ~Madeleine K. Albright
If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves? ~Mary Astell
Feminism is the radical notion that women are people. ~Cheris Kramarae and Paula Treichler
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
S. 2433: Global Poverty Act of 2007
S. 2433: Global Poverty Act of 2007
A bill to require the President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day.
Sponsor: Sen. Barack Obama [D-IL]
To cite this information, we recommend the following: S. 2433--110th Congress (2007): Global Poverty Act of 2007, (database of federal legislation) (accessed May 7, 2008)
Because the government takes a day or two to post legislative information online, GovTrack is usually one legislative day behind.
Please call or email your Senator and urge them to support this bill. Our elected officials need to know that we , the voters, want to do more to help end poverty and starvation all over the world.
Not only do we need to help the less fortunate from a humanitarian point of view, I believe ending poverty and starvation will do as much for our national security as our military can do
S. 2433: Global Poverty Act of 2007
A bill to require the President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day.
Sponsor: Sen. Barack Obama [D-IL]
To cite this information, we recommend the following: S. 2433--110th Congress (2007): Global Poverty Act of 2007, (database of federal legislation)
Because the government takes a day or two to post legislative information online, GovTrack is usually one legislative day behind.
Please call or email your Senator and urge them to support this bill. Our elected officials need to know that we , the voters, want to do more to help end poverty and starvation all over the world.
Not only do we need to help the less fortunate from a humanitarian point of view, I believe ending poverty and starvation will do as much for our national security as our military can do
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Click to give
This is one website that will help *you* help someone else. You can "click to give" for free and it takes about 3 seconds. You can also learn other ways to help.
Every day I get emails forwarded about a 1000 times , most of them having to do with "being proud to be an American". Ninety nine percent of the time they suggest that if you are a real American you should be pissed off about either 1. the illegal immigrants or 2. the evil liberals that hate the sweet baby Jesus.
I can only imagine what would be accomplished by forwarding emails that encourage ending poverty instead , or emails that don't make you feel better about yourself by putting everyone else down.
Instead of sending me an email telling me how much you support our troops , go to and actually adopt one (or several) .
If instead of emailing me about how Christian you are because you only want the Star Spangled Banner sung in english ( ONLY!!!) you felt the pride that comes from knowing that somewhere someone is proud of our country also, and though they are singing it in their native tongue they are singing it because they believe in what it stands for.
I love our country and I love what it stands for. I want to be part of what makes us great....and to me that is our ability to look back at where we've come from and keep moving forward, with Liberty and Justice for all.
This is one website that will help *you* help someone else. You can "click to give" for free and it takes about 3 seconds. You can also learn other ways to help.
Every day I get emails forwarded about a 1000 times , most of them having to do with "being proud to be an American". Ninety nine percent of the time they suggest that if you are a real American you should be pissed off about either 1. the illegal immigrants or 2. the evil liberals that hate the sweet baby Jesus.
I can only imagine what would be accomplished by forwarding emails that encourage ending poverty instead , or emails that don't make you feel better about yourself by putting everyone else down.
Instead of sending me an email telling me how much you support our troops , go to and actually adopt one (or several) .
If instead of emailing me about how Christian you are because you only want the Star Spangled Banner sung in english ( ONLY!!!) you felt the pride that comes from knowing that somewhere someone is proud of our country also, and though they are singing it in their native tongue they are singing it because they believe in what it stands for.
I love our country and I love what it stands for. I want to be part of what makes us great....and to me that is our ability to look back at where we've come from and keep moving forward, with Liberty and Justice for all.
Quote for today :
“Our lives are to be used and thus to be lived as fully as possible, and truly it seems that we are never so alive as when we concern ourselves with other people.”
Harry Chapin
Harry Chapin
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Do something!

If this doesn't break your heart, you don't have one. Please help. Find a church or charity and get involved . Vote for the cantidate you feel will help this child the most, even if it raises your taxes. Who needs your 20 bucks more than these poor souls?Let our leaders (both religious and political) that we find this completely unacceptable for even one more hour.
Please help. Please.
What kind of world allows this to happen? What is the point of being the strongest, the mightiest or the richest nation ever to exist if we ignore the SOLVABLE problem of hunger.
All of the major religions in the world are fighting over who God likes the best. The answer is this : He who does for the least of me.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Quote for today :
At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.--Abraham Lincoln
More nuggets of wisdom from Hagee
From this article :
Here are some highlights from the brilliance that is Pastor John Hagee :
1. "Do you know the difference between a woman with PMS and a snarling Doberman pinscher? The answer is lipstick. Do you know the difference between a terrorist and a woman with PMS? You can negotiate with a terrorist." - Pastor John Hagee in his book What Every Man Wants in a Woman (Charisma House, 2005)
Wow Hagee, you are freaking hilarious! Here's one for you .....Do you know the difference between a penis and a prick ? A penis is a male sex organ. A prick is you.
2.. "[Gay marriage] will open the door to incest, to polygamy, and every conceivable marriage arrangement demented minds can possibly conceive. If God does not then punish America, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah." - Pastor John Hagee
I hope he turns you into a pillar of gay salt.
3. "Only a Spirit-filled woman can submit to her husband's lead. It is the natural desire of a woman to lead through feminine manipulation of the man...Fallen women will try to dominate the marriage. The man has the God-given role to be the loving leader of the home." - Pastor John Hagee in his book What Every Man Wants in a Woman (Charisma House, 2005)
Or, a marriage can be a loving partnership of two equals. Either way.
"It is impossible to call yourself a Christian and defend homosexuality. There is no justification or acceptance of homosexuality.... Homosexuality means the death of society because homosexuals can recruit, but they cannot reproduce." - Pastor John Hagee
I just want to note that Pastor Hagee seems to dislike women while simultaneously being obsessed with gay men. I'm just saying.
Here are some highlights from the brilliance that is Pastor John Hagee :
1. "Do you know the difference between a woman with PMS and a snarling Doberman pinscher? The answer is lipstick. Do you know the difference between a terrorist and a woman with PMS? You can negotiate with a terrorist." - Pastor John Hagee in his book What Every Man Wants in a Woman (Charisma House, 2005)
Wow Hagee, you are freaking hilarious! Here's one for you .....Do you know the difference between a penis and a prick ? A penis is a male sex organ. A prick is you.
2.. "[Gay marriage] will open the door to incest, to polygamy, and every conceivable marriage arrangement demented minds can possibly conceive. If God does not then punish America, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah." - Pastor John Hagee
I hope he turns you into a pillar of gay salt.
3. "Only a Spirit-filled woman can submit to her husband's lead. It is the natural desire of a woman to lead through feminine manipulation of the man...Fallen women will try to dominate the marriage. The man has the God-given role to be the loving leader of the home." - Pastor John Hagee in his book What Every Man Wants in a Woman (Charisma House, 2005)
Or, a marriage can be a loving partnership of two equals. Either way.
"It is impossible to call yourself a Christian and defend homosexuality. There is no justification or acceptance of homosexuality.... Homosexuality means the death of society because homosexuals can recruit, but they cannot reproduce." - Pastor John Hagee
I just want to note that Pastor Hagee seems to dislike women while simultaneously being obsessed with gay men. I'm just saying.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Hagee and McCain deserve each other.
Does anyone else think this guy is a complete assclown?
From the article :
::begin quote::
In a sermon given at his San Antonio, Texas Cornerstone megachurch that was telecast and available in up to ninety million homes worldwide, controversial pastor John Hagee, who has endorsed the presidential bid of Arizona Republican Senator John McCain, Jr., claimed that American public schools provide abortion services. Hagee stated, "Your daughter can get an abortion in public school without telling you but she can't get an aspirin without your approval." The pastor also claimed that public school teachers can force their students to study a "precursor to witchcraft" and suggests that America has invited "satan" and demonic spirits into its public school systems by failing to display the Ten Commandments on classroom walls. Presidential hopeful John McCain, Jr. has said he is "glad to have" Hagee's support and "admires" the leadership of the Texas pastor - who has declared God has cursed and doomed America. :
:End Quote::
Somehow, the same people who are ALL over Rev. Wright are going to listen to this and nod their heads and murmur to themselves how right he is. Is McCain going to have distance himself from this nutball? Will the conservatives demand he "throw Hagee under the bus"? I suspect they will not.
But wait ! There's more :
Presidential candidate McCain, who has said he "admires" Hagee's leadership of the pastor's San Antonio based Cornerstone megachurch, actively sought out and has said he is "glad to have" pastor Hagee's political endorsement. McCain has not disavowed Hagee's support regardless of growing public controversy over the pastor's speech and writing which has been characterized, variously, as anti-Catholic, anti-Jewish, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-gay and misogynist.
::end quote::
Somehow I'm not surprised that McCain hasn't disavowed Hagee. After all, he thinks women don't need equal pay,they only need education and training.
Psssssst, Senator McCain : Education is great, I personally am a big fan of it. However the issue isn't getting the job.....its being paid fairly for doing it. As far as the training part of your suggestion, well, I am not a monkey or a dog thankyewverymuch.
Lastly I would like to quote Senator McCain (referring to a vote in the Senate) :
“Anyone who had the misfortune of watching it will know how hard it is to do the Lord’s work in the city of Satan,” said McCain, who has served four-terms in the Senate.
March 2008
I am very uncomfortable with a politician who think he is doing the Lord's work. In fact Iraq sprang to mind as soon as I read this. I did get sort of a giggle out of the fact that he is campaigning to be the head honcho of the "city of Satan".
From the article :
::begin quote::
In a sermon given at his San Antonio, Texas Cornerstone megachurch that was telecast and available in up to ninety million homes worldwide, controversial pastor John Hagee, who has endorsed the presidential bid of Arizona Republican Senator John McCain, Jr., claimed that American public schools provide abortion services. Hagee stated, "Your daughter can get an abortion in public school without telling you but she can't get an aspirin without your approval." The pastor also claimed that public school teachers can force their students to study a "precursor to witchcraft" and suggests that America has invited "satan" and demonic spirits into its public school systems by failing to display the Ten Commandments on classroom walls. Presidential hopeful John McCain, Jr. has said he is "glad to have" Hagee's support and "admires" the leadership of the Texas pastor - who has declared God has cursed and doomed America. :
:End Quote::
Somehow, the same people who are ALL over Rev. Wright are going to listen to this and nod their heads and murmur to themselves how right he is. Is McCain going to have distance himself from this nutball? Will the conservatives demand he "throw Hagee under the bus"? I suspect they will not.
But wait ! There's more :
Presidential candidate McCain, who has said he "admires" Hagee's leadership of the pastor's San Antonio based Cornerstone megachurch, actively sought out and has said he is "glad to have" pastor Hagee's political endorsement. McCain has not disavowed Hagee's support regardless of growing public controversy over the pastor's speech and writing which has been characterized, variously, as anti-Catholic, anti-Jewish, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-gay and misogynist.
::end quote::
Somehow I'm not surprised that McCain hasn't disavowed Hagee. After all, he thinks women don't need equal pay,they only need education and training.
Psssssst, Senator McCain : Education is great, I personally am a big fan of it. However the issue isn't getting the job.....its being paid fairly for doing it. As far as the training part of your suggestion, well, I am not a monkey or a dog thankyewverymuch.
Lastly I would like to quote Senator McCain (referring to a vote in the Senate) :
“Anyone who had the misfortune of watching it will know how hard it is to do the Lord’s work in the city of Satan,” said McCain, who has served four-terms in the Senate.
March 2008
I am very uncomfortable with a politician who think he is doing the Lord's work. In fact Iraq sprang to mind as soon as I read this. I did get sort of a giggle out of the fact that he is campaigning to be the head honcho of the "city of Satan".
Quote for today :
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." --
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sometimes I sit here and look at this blog and I can't write anything. The problem isn't having nothing to say, it is having too many jumbled thoughts that are difficult to sort through.
One thing I am absolutely convinced of is that the way to fight terrorism of any form is to lessen the amount of starvation and poverty around the world. We need to empower each other, all of us, everywhere. We either believe wholeheartedly that all people are created equal or we don't. We don't get to pick and choose. We can't be non-racist and still accept sexism. We can't exclude gays and claim to value equality. We can't love our children without feeling the anguish of the parents who feed their children mud pies because there isn't any real food.We can't denounce one religion's extremists while accepting the extremists in another. Hate is hate. Prejudice is prejudice. It is up to us as a collective to end it. We need to start with ourselves.
One thing I am absolutely convinced of is that the way to fight terrorism of any form is to lessen the amount of starvation and poverty around the world. We need to empower each other, all of us, everywhere. We either believe wholeheartedly that all people are created equal or we don't. We don't get to pick and choose. We can't be non-racist and still accept sexism. We can't exclude gays and claim to value equality. We can't love our children without feeling the anguish of the parents who feed their children mud pies because there isn't any real food.We can't denounce one religion's extremists while accepting the extremists in another. Hate is hate. Prejudice is prejudice. It is up to us as a collective to end it. We need to start with ourselves.
Quote of the day:
I have seen, the desperation and disorder of the powerless: how it twists the lives of children on the streets of Jakarta or Nairobi in much the same way as it does the lives of children on Chicago’s South Side, how narrow the path is for them between humiliation and untrammeled fury, how easily they slip into violence and despair. I know that the response of the powerful to this disorder -- alternating as it does between a dull complacency and, when the disorder spills out of its proscribed confines, a steady, unthinking application of force, of longer prison sentences and more sophisticated military hardware -- is inadequate to the task. I know that the hardening of lines, the embrace of fundamentalism and tribe, dooms us all.
BARACK OBAMA, preface to 2004 Edition, Dreams of My Father
I have seen, the desperation and disorder of the powerless: how it twists the lives of children on the streets of Jakarta or Nairobi in much the same way as it does the lives of children on Chicago’s South Side, how narrow the path is for them between humiliation and untrammeled fury, how easily they slip into violence and despair. I know that the response of the powerful to this disorder -- alternating as it does between a dull complacency and, when the disorder spills out of its proscribed confines, a steady, unthinking application of force, of longer prison sentences and more sophisticated military hardware -- is inadequate to the task. I know that the hardening of lines, the embrace of fundamentalism and tribe, dooms us all.
BARACK OBAMA, preface to 2004 Edition, Dreams of My Father
Thursday, April 24, 2008
My first conspiracy theory.
I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist, and I'm not sure this is even a true conspiracy theory. It does seem to be at the least quite a coincidence. Obviously only time will tell if my speculations prove to be correct.Ok, here it goes:
Oil prices go up = gas prices go up
gas prices go up = a greater demand for alternative fuel
great demand for alt. fuel = more developement of ethanol /bio fuel (less profits for oil companies)
more ethanol/ bio fuel = food costs go up / food becomes scarce
food costs go up / becomes scarce = people starve
people starve = ethanol / bio fuel production slowed or halted
bio fuel slowed = oil companies profits preserved
oil companies profits preserved = people still starve
people still starve = new excuse found.....oil companies profits preserved
It seems like we are being given a choice between unchecked gas prices or causing millions of people to starve to death. At least those are the options Big Oil wants us to believe we have. I find it extremely hard to believe that there isn't enough corn to do both.
Oil prices go up = gas prices go up
gas prices go up = a greater demand for alternative fuel
great demand for alt. fuel = more developement of ethanol /bio fuel (less profits for oil companies)
more ethanol/ bio fuel = food costs go up / food becomes scarce
food costs go up / becomes scarce = people starve
people starve = ethanol / bio fuel production slowed or halted
bio fuel slowed = oil companies profits preserved
oil companies profits preserved = people still starve
people still starve = new excuse found.....oil companies profits preserved
It seems like we are being given a choice between unchecked gas prices or causing millions of people to starve to death. At least those are the options Big Oil wants us to believe we have. I find it extremely hard to believe that there isn't enough corn to do both.
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